Sunday, February 8, 2015

Pahi Parama Dhayalo

Pahi Parama Dhayalo
Saint Thyagaraja
Translated by
Ragam  Kaapi
THalam aadhi
Pahi parama Dhaayalo hare maam,
Oh most mercifulone , Oh Hari , please   protect  me
Sundaranana mukundha Raghava pu-
Randharadhi   nutha mandha Raga Dhara.
Oh Mukunda with pretty face ,Oh Raghava,
Who is saluted by Indra andothers ,
And who lifted  the  Mandhara  mountan,
1.Pankajaptha  harinaanga nayana  sri-,
Dhanga   suguna  makaranga   Janaka maam.
1,He has aun and moon as eyes, who grants auspiciousness,
Who has good character and one who is the father  of God of love.
2.Kroora manava   rashara bhavyakara,
Neeradhapa susareera maaramana.
2,He destroys  cruel human beugs, who does penance,
Who is of the   colour  of cloud. Has a good body , consort of Goddess  Lakshmi
3.Nirvikara  guna  sarva roopa dhara,
Poorva deva  madha garva  banjana
3,He who has a mind which does not have  sensibilities,
Who is the  primeval one who is form of everything,
And one who destroys  the pride and egoism of Asuras.
4.Poorna roopa , kalasarnavasthi tha xu-,
Bana vahana  suvarna chela maam.
4 He has a complete form, who has ocean as his home,
Who rides on Garuda  and who wears ye;llow silk
5. Raksha maam   anisam  makshramrutha ra-
Saaksha nirjara supaksha    shapa dara.
5.Please protect me God always  without let off,
You are one who does not get destroyed,
Who as eyes full of nectar , friend of devas,
And one who holds the bow.
6.Ranga  nayaka shubhanga Soorya kula.
Pingavaari, Madha banga sarvadhaa.
6Lord of the stage who has auscpecious limba,
The great one of clan of sun and who destroys pride of enwmies.
7.Naga sayana bhava roga nasa,Krupa,
Raga dhe varadha, Thyagaraja nutha
He who sleeps on serpent, who destroys the sickness,
Of birth and death, who blesses  and is praised by Thyagaraja.

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